Administration Block

About Kibondo Anglican Training Centre

The Kibondo Anglican Training Centre invites young people to come and be equipped for the many different tasks in their local Churches. This work can be voluntary or salaried. The aim of the Kibondo Anglican Training Centre is to give students a solid foundation of knowledge that they  can use to instruct others in the faith.

The Diocese is proud to have a Bible School known as Kibondo Anglican Training Centre, where we train local missionaries and evangelists from within and surrounding dioceses. Among the courses that run in this centre is English language seeking to equip pastors and evangelists to understand English language for communication and preparation for further studies.

It also offers refresher courses for those in ministry. It also trains Sunday School Teachers to minister to children. The Centre also serves as a place for seminars organized by the Diocese for different purposes. It is situated on a hill where everyone enjoys cool air every season.
Currently, the Bible School is headed by Magdalena Lanz a missionary from Germany. She is a wonderful lady with a great heart to serve.

Mr. Albert Krause

Missionary, VDM, Germany Bachelor Degree in Theology, Motor Vehicle Technician. Subjects: New Testament, English, Handwork and Crafts.

Rev.Can.Y. Soti. Theology, Deploma in Theology, BDiv. Subjects: Church History, Pastoral Studies, Liturgy. Parish Priest-Mariam Magdalena Church.

Mwl.M. Rudugu. Leadership and Bible Study. Subjects: Christian Education, Bible knowledge, Old Testament. Christian Education coordinator.

Rev. A. Masabile.

Cert. in Theology, Dip. in Theology Subject: Islam, Old Testament, Doctrine, Leadership. Tanzania Students’ Christian Fellowship (TSCF).

Sr.Magdalena Lanz.

Missionary, Neukirchener Mission, Germany. Nurse Midwife, Cert. in Leadership and Bible Study. Subjects: Health Education, Evangelism, Stewardship.

Kibondo Anglican Training Centre Buildings

Administration Block
KATC Admin and Classes buildings
KATC Female Dormitory
KATC Male Dormitory
KATC Staff residents.
Mariam Magdalena Church & Chapel.


Students at the Graduation day.
Missionaries at the Graduation
Taking photo with teachers
Students after receiving Certificates